Housing loan interest is calculated based on the principal of the loan that you have and the interest is not fixed. Principal of your loan is the amount of money that you still owe the bank.
Car loan interest is calculated based on the total amount of loan that you have and the interest is fixed.
Housing Loan
For example, you borrow $50K from a bank at 5% interest rate for 5 years.
1 year housing loan interest:
- $50K X 5%
- $2,500 (Yearly)
- $2,500 / 12
- $208.33 (First Month)
Depending on the monthly installment amount that you have, let’s say $1K per month, you will reduce your principal from $50K to:
Renew Principal $ after first payment:
- $50K – ($1K - $208.33)
- $49,208.33 (New Principal)
Second month housing loan interest:
- $49,208.33 X 5% / 12
- $205.03 (Second Month)
Total car loan interest rate:
- $6613.70 / $50K X 100%
- 13.23% (Total Housing Loan Interest Rate)
Car Loan
On the other hand, you have car loan of $50K at the interest rate of 5% for 5 years term.
1 year car loan interest:
- $50K X 5%
- $2,500. (Yearly)
- $2,500 / 12
- $208.33 (First Month)
The only difference between the housing loan versus car loan is the car loan interest rate is fixed for every month. Therefore:
First month car loan interest:
- $2,500 / 12
- $208.33 (Second Month)
Total car loan interest rate:
- ($2500 X 5 years) / $50K X 100%
- 25% (Total Car Loan Intereset)
Because the car loan does not reduce the principal amount and the interest is fixed through the year, therefore the interest is higher than the normal housing loan interest calculation provided the interest rates are the same.
So usually what people do when they have housing loan is try to reduce the principal amount as early as possible either by flexible-loan package or early extra payment. It doesn't work for car loan because the interest is fixed and the total interest that your are going to pay is 1.9 X higher than housing loan interest.
You may also want to know that the car value is depreciating every year after you buy it. Think of it, is this making sense to buy a car or house?