Minggu, 05 Juli 2009

Shall I travel during this H1N1 (Swine Flu) outbreak?

Time flies and I’m going to travel to Europe again in this coming Friday. The last trip I only stayed in Ireland for 3 weeks and this round I’m going to travel outside of Ireland for about 2.5 weeks.

The countries that I going to visit are:
  • United Kingdom (London) – Travel by Air and Car.
  • France (Paris) – Travel by Air and Train
  • Scandinavia (Norway, Denmark, Sweden) – Travel by Air and Train

Yes, I decided to travel during this H1N1 (Swine Flu) outbreak because:
  • Visiting these countries is probably my last chance that I have in my entire life.
  • Influenza A - H1N1 (Swine Flu) is not really a deathly disease.
  • WHO says travelling is safe! :) Really?
  • I believe I have strong immune system. :D
  • I will eat a lot of fruits, vegetable to build up my immune system before and during the trip.
  • I will keep my good hygiene and avoiding touch my month and nose.
  • What else?

As you can see, a very cute thing about human is:
  • We all like to make a decision first then only we look a reason or excuse why we make such decision.
This is another good example to demonstrate this. A lot of decision we had already made a choice that we’re just looking for reasons or justifications. Have you experienced this by yourself?

So, you may come to this blog by searching the net and looking for an answer but the fact that you had already made a choice. Don’t you think so?

P/S: Okay, see you guys and I'm going to travel in 5 more days. I probably won’t be blogging for a while - thinking to completely run away from work and laptop (still thinking whether I should bring laptop). I hope this won't be my last post though. :D All the best to all of you!

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