Kamis, 15 September 2011

Single People Need Budgets Too

Many financial experts highly recommend a household budget in order to keep family spending and savings goals on track. It makes sense that proper money management for a household is a necessity to ensure financial security for all family members. For those who do not yet have families, it is equally important to establish a budget to prepare for the future as well as survive day to day, especially when single individuals are just starting out on their own, financially independent from their parents.

Why Singles Need Budgets

Overspending income is the reason why so many people are facing debt problems. With a budget you can properly account for where all of your money goes on a weekly or monthly basis. Without a budget, it can be all too easy to spend cash as a single person because outside of basic financial obligations, there are likely no other responsibilities to tend to such as children who need things or spouse who should have a say in money matters.

As a single person without a budget, it is also easy to lose sight of the big picture. Spending what you earn as you earn it leaves little room for saving for the future or building a truly solid financial foundation.

How to Start a Single Person Budget

A budget is simple to get started. Sticking with the methods is what gets many people who end up ceasing their good financial habits. It makes sense to develop a simple budget that allows you to make simple entries that doesn’t waste time. A weekly review of a budget is all it really takes to ensure you are on target.

Developing a budget requires that you gather all of your financial obligations for a month including utility bills, credit card bills, mortgage or rental payments, and any other monthly expense paid out on a regular basis. You will also need to gather your income statements so you know how much you bring home each month.

These amounts along with the creditors who receive your monthly payment should then be listed on a personal budget worksheet. Once all of the information is entered, the total amount of expenses should be deducted from the total amount of income. If the difference is negative, it is a clear sign that you need to make cuts to your budget or find a way to earn more money. If there is an overage, the funds that are ‘left over’ each month should be allocated into a proper savings account for emergency situations, vacations, or retirement.

In addition to the compilation of expenses and income, single consumers should also take a solid month to track the money they are spending and where they are spending it. This is for all expenses outside of regular financial obligations, including coffee stops, dining out, and transportation-related expenses. By tracking every penny spent in a month’s time, you are able to develop a more accurate budgeting system and as a result, establish a much more solid and reliable financial foundation for the future.

This is a guest post by Tisha Tolar.

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